Lucid Dream: 4 ways you can easily control your dreams

We often have between 4 and 6 dreams per night, but most of them are forgotten when we wake up. This means that we don’t always remember we were dreaming. There are also cases when the dream is so vividly etched in your memory that it feels as if it actually happened. This phenomenon is known as clear dreams or lucid dreams.

What is it?

This happens when we are conscious that we are dreaming. You can still recall the events from the dream when you wake up. You can sometimes even alter the plot, character, or environment of lucid dreams.

Research has shown that 55% have experienced at least one lucid vision in their lives. Only 23% experience it at least once per month.

Did you ever realize that you could dream?

The Origin

To maintain their awareness and dreaming in ancient Eastern culture, Tibetan Buddhists and Bonpo Buddhists practiced “dream yoga”. This phenomenon is mentioned in many ancient Greek texts as well as personal diaries.

Frederik (Willem) van Eeden, a Dutch psychiatrist, and author, coined the term “lucid dream” in 1913. However, this term caused many misunderstandings.

Stephen LaBerge, a psychophysiologist, was at the forefront of lucid dreams research and inventions up to 20 years ago.

This concept was not well-known until Christopher Nolan’s 2010 film “Inception”. The director revealed that he was inspired by his own personal experience at WonderCon. The phrase “lucid dream” is slowly being used in conjunction with the title of the film.

What is the secret to it?

Our brain undergoes many changes during this state. This state will see the prefrontal cortex, which controls perception, become more active and not as inhibited as in normal dreams.

Gamma waves can also be activated at frequencies that are associated with executive functions and wakefulness. This allows us to act in our dreams and make decisions.

You can also experience it through practice, rather than casually waiting.

It can be learned by practicing or naturally.

1. Use WBTB and MILD methods

MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams). Memory induction. Repeating a phrase in your mind before you go to sleep to “program” yourself.

WBTB (wake-up-back-to-bed) – Wake up and go back to bed:

Let your body drift into REM sleep. After about 6 hours, you can wake up. This stage allows you to dream by stimulating your brain.

Next, put your attention on something for 20-60 minutes and then go to sleep.

You are slowly bringing your consciousness back to sleep when you wake up from waking. This is called lucid dreaming.

2. You can practice the real test (reality check).

To determine if you’re in a dream, or real life, If the pain is real, it is not a dream.

This is the “folk”, and experts recommend that you try to push your hand through the wall. If it passes, it’s a good dream. You can also read a bit of text on a poster. It’s possible to dream if you read the text again and notice that it has changed.

3. Dream diary

Dr. Apsy conducted research in 2017 and found that people who have more lucid dreams are more likely than others to be able to recall their dreams. For determining whether or not you have had lucid dreams, it is important to remember details from your dreams.

It is common for people to experience it and say that recording their dreams immediately after awakening is a great method.

4. Meditation and mindfulness can be practiced

Meditation and mindfulness can help with lucid dreaming, it is not surprising. Mindfulness is a way to become more aware of our surroundings and ourselves. It will be easier to recognize if you’re dreaming or not if you’re awake.

You can either experience it spontaneously or by practicing.

Are they good?

They are often used to help with fears and fulfill wishes.

Reduce Nightmares: Lucid dreams can help you see nightmares as fictive and replace them with more pleasant images.

You can reduce anxiety and stress. You can control the story and how it ends by knowing what you are dreaming.

Mobility: This dreaming state activates the prefrontal cortex, which helps to improve movement. Lucid dreams are a way for people with disabilities to recover from their physical limitations.

Creativity: This type of dream is more common for creative people because they have better recall and visualization skills. Lucid dreams, on the other hand, can increase creativity and imagination.

It is not only used for the purposes mentioned above but there are also some risks.

Sleep disturbances: Methods that allow you to have lucid dreams can disrupt your sleep and lead to insufficient sleep. This can cause stress and depression.

Derealization: Induction methods combine reality with dreams, making it more difficult for some people.

Disconnection: When reality and dreams are merged, it can lead to disconnection from one’s self or the surrounding environment.